Friday, February 13, 2009


I always thought about outsourcing some tasks that seem to be perpetually on my "to do" list in outlook, constantly reschedule for a month later so I don't have to look at them. After enjoying the audio book version of "The 4 Hour Work Week" which basically boils down to automate your business, hire virtual assistants, and batch process your email, I was inspired enough to give up one task.

The task: Find all entrepreneurial/startup/venture capital/etc. related podcasts and contact them to see if I'd be a good fit for me to be interviewed. After being interviewed on The Struggling Entpreneneur ( I've had a taste for blood, and want to get some interviews out there.

I'm paying my VA $50 to go create a list of at least 70 and up to 100 podcasts who I may be a good fit to work with. Exciting times.

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