Thursday, November 17, 2011

Black Friday Deal From the Rogue CFO Even! Financial Model – half the going rate.

In the spirit Black Friday and a desire to help out startup ventures out there, I’m offering a deal of my own. While normally for me to build a financial model from scratch for a new venture including all the standard financial pro formas (balance sheet, cash flow, P&L), assumptions, summary, cap ex, valuation, best/worst case scenario, and other financials as are appropriate for about $1,500 - $2,000 (it’s not cheap to hire the best of the best, the guy who actually builds financial models at investor level quality), for today and through the weekend, anyone who commits (via contract and deposit) to having me build their model will get it for $1,000! Half off. That’s right, discounting my time by half. Definitely NOT something I’d do often… if ever again.

First come first serve, as in I’ll honor the rate for everyone, but the first ones to sign the contract are the first models I’ll be working on. Will let you know at the time of signing what the lag time looks like.

It’s that simple, send an email if interested and want to see samples, have questions, or to tell me more about your business and to throw your hat in the ring. Will reply to everyone!

Chris Benjamin, Rogue CFO & Black Friday Financial Modeling Maven

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